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In Memoriam

Victoria Mary Dyer

Published on 25/04/2024

Victoria Mary Dyer
DYER Victoria Mary 03/01/2001-29/04/2014 It's 10 years since you left us! Today will always be forever etched in our hearts For it's the anniversary of the day we had to part The pain we felt on losing you never really goes away And you're always on my mind, no matter what the day I know you wouldn't want me to feel sad or upset So I'll think of you in good times- those I will never forget I'll be thankful for the love that I always had from you and I'll hang onto that happiness today & all year through. Mum, Dad, Daisy, Luke Daniel, Nikki, Jack, Rosie Ben, Stacey, Blake, Alec & Nanny Margaret xx


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