Plans to transform Bicester Market Square into a multi-use community hub have been boosted by the news that a £4.25m funding pot has been formally approved.

It means that Cherwell District Council can now move to the next stages of consultation and design work that will help shape this high-profile town centre regeneration project.

Councillor Ian Corkin, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Economy, said: “I am absolutely relieved and delighted in equal measure the budget has been approved for this regeneration project.

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“There’s a stakeholder group, which includes businesses, charities, youth organisations, churches and others, who have been working diligently on this for a long time now and it demanded the funding to work, that was the final piece of the jigsaw.

“Our goal is to create a thriving hub where the local community and visitors can come together to enjoy a variety of experiences and events.

“This could include fine dining spaces, areas where kids can play safely, outdoor seating for bars where people can grab a beer, an outdoor cinema is a possibility too.

“The whole area will be nicely ‘greened up’ with plants, and there will be a moodier lighting scheme giving the area a lovely atmosphere.”

Graham Perryman, Former Bicester Chamber Chairman and Town Centre Task Group member said: “We are delighted that this major investment has now been agreed to reimagine Bicester town centre. It is also good to hear that the next stages of development will include the whole Bicester community.

“The work undertaken by the task group to date has identified a number of themes which could underpin a transformational plan that will deliver a town centre of which everyone can be proud.”

The decision confirming the investment came at a full council meeting on February 27, when the council’s budget for the 2023/2024 financial year was approved.

Evidence from other similar improvements to the public realm around the UK shows that commercial trade could be increased by up to 40 per cent, and empty shops reduced by up to 20 per cent.

Early design concepts have been drawn up and will soon be shared with the Bicester community. This will provide an opportunity to help shape the proposals before works begin, with the overall project currently scheduled for completion in 2025.

These designs include options such as areas for entertainment and children’s activities, portable market stalls for events and exhibitions, and outdoor cinema projections.

The next steps for the council will be to appoint specialist design and consultation companies.

Later in the year an exhibition will be held inviting views from householders and local businesses on the Market Square transformation and how it should be delivered.


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

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