Three young men were violently attacked and injured in a clash with around 20 men during a large scale public order incident.

Two 17-year-old boys and a 16-year-old boy required hospital treatment after the attack by approximately 20 men, all believed to be in their mid to late teens.

The victims have all since been discharged.

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No arrests have been made, said police.

The incident happened in Bridge Street, close to the entrance to Banbury train station between 10.45pm and 11pm last Friday (June 7).

All three injured people had been at the Light cinema, and it is thought that there may have been a verbal altercation.

A large group of men were walking from there to Bridge Street.

As the group walked through the Lidl car park and passed Banbury bus station on to Bridge Street, the victims were violently assaulted.

Police are appealing for witnesses to the attack which resulted in incidents of grievous bodily harm.

Detective Sergeant Mark Personius of Banbury CID said: “This was a significant incident of public order which has resulted in three young men being violently attacked and injured.

“I am appealing to anybody who may have witnessed this incident of large scale public order to please get in touch with Thames Valley Police.

“I would be particularly keen to receive any mobile phone, CCTV or dash-cam footage which may have captured the incident."

Anyone with information can upload this via a dedicated portal for this investigation, or in the first instance, contact the police online or by calling 101, quoting reference number 43240267487.

DS Personius added: “Some of the people who were involved may have walked off towards Middleton Road and into Waterloo Drive, so I would also urge anybody who was in these areas to please check dash-cams and CCTV and contact us if it has captured anything that might assist this investigation.”