An NHS ward clerk has celebrated 50 years of working at the Horton General Hospital in Banbury.

Sally Taylor began her career at the institution in 1973, initially in the medical records department, before transitioning to a gynaecology ward three years later.

She said: "I am proud to still be a part of the great institution that NHS is - to think it was only 25 years old when I started."

During her career, she has witnessed significant changes in the healthcare system from manual patient record-keeping to digital databases.

Ms Taylor said: "Looking up patients was a challenge as their details were written on small cards and filed alphabetically in a drawer. There were thousands of them."

Within her 50 years of experience, she also recounted the Covid pandemic as a significant hurdle.

She said: "Covid has to have been the biggest challenge for the NHS - but I can honestly say that I was glad to be working through it, doing my bit."

Ms Taylor's friend and colleague, Matron Susie Saeed, said: "For 50 years she has come in with a beautiful smile, fabulous red hair, and her amazing colourful glasses.

"She has given her all to the patients who come through the unit.

"She is one of the most kind, calm, and professional colleagues I have ever worked with.

"50 years is a remarkable achievement and we and the NHS are so grateful to her for her loyalty, compassion, and dedication."