The Thames Valley police and crime commissioner has invited residents to voice their opinions on where the police portion of the council tax should be focused in the 2024/25 budget.

Matthew Barber urged folk to fill out the Local Crime Survey to contribute to the decision-making process.

Mr Barber is expected to finalise the budget by the end of January 2024.

He said: "As police and crime commissioner, it is my responsibility to ensure that Thames Valley Police has the resources to effectively prevent and investigate crime, support victims and protect communities from harm.

“Setting the budget is often a complex process in balancing priorities, and one which is again this year taking place against a challenging economic backdrop.

"Thames Valley residents deserve and expect to receive an exceptional service from their police force.

"I want to ensure that the budget can support this, deliver value for money for residents and address the concerns and priorities of communities."

He also expressed his desire for continued investment in local neighbourhood policing, intending to tackle issues like shoplifting and to maintain low burglary rates.

He said the previous year's council tax increase led to the recruitment of 80 additional police officers and bolstered local community policing.

Completed surveys should be submitted by noon on Friday, January 5, 2024.

The survey is accessible at or on the PCC website.