TWEETERS in Oxfordshire are out in force making jokes about 'Star Wars Day'. 

May 4 has become synonymous with the popular science fiction series because of the phrase 'May the force (fourth) be with you'.

ALSO READ: April Fools' Day: Oxford Mail readers take the bait

Oxford's Ashmolean Museum got in on the act with a reference to episode one, the Phantom Menace. 

Regional police have also trooped in with an effort on Twitter.

The reference was less niche than our friends at the Ashmolean, who are clearly very keen on the films, made famous by director George Lucas and actors Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, who, as Luke Skywalker, battled Jabba The Hut.

Oxford Recycles used a somewhat tenuous link to encourage residents to dispose of their waste more responsibly.

Similarly, flood alleviation scheme tweeters told followers not to 'disappoint Darth', the evil sith lord who turned to the dark side in episode three.

Perhaps our favourite effort, though, came from Oxford Direct Services, who appear to have taken power tools to the next level.