STUART Skyte (Letters, September 14) thinks that the old cricket ground on Crescent Road should be turned over to housing. He should realise that this piece of land was reserved as green space when the area around it was developed some years ago, in order to maintain a sensible balance between homes and open space.

Good urban planning demands that homes are provided with areas where people can play, socialise and enjoy the natural environment. Very close to Stuart’s home in Plater Drive, the Aristotle Lane play area is a very well-used part of the North Oxford community.

And the old cricket ground should have a similar function. Built-up areas without good social space provide poor places to live and to bring up families.

The Local Plan does not currently permit housing to be built on this site, but the plan is currently being reviewed and re-written. It is open to anyone (Stuart included) to propose changes.

These will be considered by the council and then by an inspector at the Local Plan Inquiry. While the designation for the old cricket ground remains as it is, we shall oppose housing on policy grounds. If it changes, homes may indeed appear there in the fullness of time.

Cllr Bob Price Leader, Oxford City Council