Sir – Having read the full-page advertisement from Chiltern Railways regarding the new station development (Bicester Advertiser, March 12) I was a bit curious as to how they came to the decision to rename the station Bicester Village.

I only heard about it in a town council meeting at the Garth on Monday and I certainly don’t recall anything about a poll on the subject.

Where exactly was the poll conducted? Kingsmere?  I have a sneaking suspicion that Chiltern Railways is trying to push the proposal through regardless. Will the renaming make life easier for visitors to that already oversized shopping centre on the town’s outskirts? Maybe, but perhaps it would also lead to confusion as to what Bicester really is? (Bicester is a town, always has been.) It would be interesting to know if any of your other readers knew nothing about it either.

Alan Bickley, Kingsclere Road, Bicester